Texas Property Tax Calendar 2024
January 1
- Assessment Date
January 31
- Deadline to pay 2023 taxes without penalty and interest
- Deadline to protest 2023 assessed values under late protest provisions
February 1
- Tax Delinquency Date
March 31
- Deadline for an application for Interstate Allocation for movable personal property, including vehicles, vessels and watercraft, commercial aircraft and business aircraft.
April 15
- Renditions due
- Request for 30 day extension of time to file rendition due (Extends rendition deadline to May 15)
April 30
- Deadline to apply for agricultural valuation exemption
- Deadline to apply for free port exemption
April / Early May
- Notices for 2024 value sent out by appraisal districts for most properties (Some exceptions may apply)
May 15
- Deadline to file a protest with ARB (or by the 30th day after the notice of appraised value is delivered, whichever is later)
May / June
- General protest period
July 25
- Deadline for Chief Appraiser to certify tax roll (Some exceptions may apply)
August - December
- Most tax bills issued
- Litigation period generally begins
- Binding Arbitration period generally begins